Our New Years Resolutions
With the new year comes new resolutions. Every year we vow to keep them, and somehow every year they fall to the wayside. But hey, new year new us right?! (Or so we hope!) Even though setting resolutions can seem a little bit cheesy, there is something very romantic about kicking the year off with a fresh new start and a few goals in mind. In an attempt to motivate you to join us in starting the new year off on a positive note, we’ve gone around the office and asked our team what they plan on setting as their resolutions for 2017. Here they are, in their own words...
The team feeling inspired by the jolly man in red.
Lemy A. - CEO
"Become a better version of my self. I want to complete at least two 70.3 Ironman triathlons. And of course, sell, sell sell."
Regina A. - Controller
"My resolution for 2017 will be to read one book per month and try to hike more. Be more outdoors.
Patricia R. - Media Buyer
"Pray more - strengthen my relationship with God. Get to my goal weight. Take a college course or seminars that are relevant with my job."
Jacobo V. - Head of Production
"I try not to do a yearly resolution because everyday should be a new opportunity to learn something new or simply improve one's self. Things I will focus on and set forth more energy into for the following year:
- Spend more quality time with my parents and siblings (Breakfasts, dinners and more visits).
- Continue focusing on my health. Attempt to finish a 26 mile marathon.
- Network more in the film industry. I want to edit a quality documentary or a feature film.
- Reduce the number of personal projects I work on and put quality over quantity.
- I want to pursue the arts. I have a desire to work with metals as an art form. Start by taking a welding class.
- Be more of a mentor to my first Nephew, learn a new skill together; maybe start a t-shirt business.
- Focus on one thing at a time instead of taking on multiple things at once and not fully finishing them."
Desiree C. - Art Director
"Give up sugars for brains, liver, bone marrow, fish eyes, raw dairy and fermented cod liver oil 3 times a day, yay! (I’m not joking!) My grandma would be proud of me for sure!"
Marielisa A. - Head of Digital
"Resolution I made last year that totally didn't happen: Read 1 book per month for a total of 12 books.
Resolution I really want to happen but wouldn't bet money on it: Learn to play an instrument.
Resolution I think will totally happen: Make photo books for all my adventures and everyday life. Facebook/Instagram won't be around forever!"
Chelsea T. - Social Media Coordinator
"Take more time for me! Each day is consumed with work, traffic, and an endless to-do list - I can't seem to find where the days have gone! (Is it me or am I too young to feel this way?! Help!!) So for 2017, I vow to work hard, if not harder, but also find the time to indulge in the quiet moments and do something for me at least once a day - like read a book, take a bath, or go to the gym. Oh, and call my grandma more! She always deserves an extra hello to brighten up her day!"
JT I. - Social Media Intern
"My resolutions for this new year are going to be a little status quo. My first resolution is to work out consistently 5 times a week. My second is to learn how to cook and eat healthier by my own doing, not just by buying food but cooking it and learning about the various ingredients."
Media Design & Marketing (MDM) is an advertising agency focused on providing clients immediate results and long-term branding. We equip companies with the right mix of broadcast and digital solutions.